Friday, July 25, 2008

An Oz Relic?

I'm sorry to say I've only ever made it to one Oz convention, and that was an Ozmopolitan convention about ten years ago in Wisconsin. I didn't get to attend the whole weekend, but was there for the day on Saturday and enjoyed myself - having read about the conventions for years, I was happy to see one in person.

One of the Saturday highlights, of course, is the Oz auction. I didn't have much luck at the auction, but did come away with one unique item - in a fit of desperation (perhaps?), I bought Dick Martin's typewriter. ?Why? I would never be able to say, but it was there and no one was bidding - and I must have been carried away by the moment. Anyway, a few dollars later it was mine and has been residing in my basement ever since! There are no signs of his ownership, and I couldn't say if he ever even used it - although it's clear that someone did.

Among his many Oz-related projects, Dick Martin did write and illustrate one Oz book. The Ozmapolitan of Oz was published by the International Wizard of Oz Club and is currently available in a new edition.

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