Friday, January 22, 2010

Lost Countess Falka

Another Rand McNally book from 1896 with a W. W. Denslow cover is Lost Countess Falka by Richard Henry Savage. Denslow created covers for several books by Savage, one of which I've shown before (In the Shadow of the Pyramids).

I found Shadow of the Pyramids very difficult to read, due to the unrestrained use of exclamation points! I thought this might have been due to poor editing on this book! Looking at Lost Countess, I find it has a similar problem, and just as virulent! It's really hard to read a book written this way!

I've seen another Denslow cover for Lost Countess - this one makes use of the design created in 1898 for Whoso Findeth a Wife, lifting the cover motif from the later book while using the original title lettering. There are a few changes to the image, and the simple cover is printed in a single color without any gilt stamping.

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