Saturday, July 31, 2010


The Oz window is finished and in place. We managed to complete it in the time we had allotted for the project, which is always a good thing!

On the right, I'm foiling the pieces (wrapping with thin copper tape), in preparation for soldering. On the left, Irwin is finishing some soldering on the back of the window. Once the soldering is done, the window is cleaned and a patina is applied to the solder lines to darken them and create less distraction.

The window is now in place in a window seat on the finished attic/third floor of our house, waiting for trim molding to cover the outside edge. The window will primarily be seen at close range, due to the placement within the room. The photo on the right was taken at night with a flash, showing how the window looks when it isn't lit by sunlight.

I think the composition of this piece is interesting, as it places Glinda front and center as the most prominent Oz figure, rather than Ozma, the ruler of the land. I imagine the main reason for this is that the original painting was planned with Glinda as a portrait of Marie Lufkin, who commissioned the piece - but it's fun to think that this was John R. Neill's take on where the power in Oz really lies!


  1. That is spectacularly beautiful! I envy you getting to curl up in that window seat next to that wonderful work of art. Congratulations!

  2. Wow, that is just beautiful! How fun it would be to have something like that in a library.

  3. Lovely work by all the artists involved.

  4. wow - i'm kinda sad that its finished. Loved watching all the steps in this project. Any other Oz projects you have planned ?

  5. Thanks for all the comments, I've enjoyed showing the process of making this window. We don't currently have any large Oz projects planned, although I do have some ideas... We have been making some new O-Z panels for a local customer, incorporating characters the client has chosen. These are always fun to do!

  6. This is just absolutely stunning and golly would I LOVE something like this myself. You guys surely have the ambision and hutzpah to get the job done

  7. Thanks, Charlie - of course, we had the advantage of knowing that if we started this project it would HAVE to get done in a timely manner - that makes a difference!

  8. This is so fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing your process and I'm thrilled to see the end result!!

  9. Ok, this is seriously one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! Stimply stunning. GREAT JOB!!!!
