Sunday, March 21, 2021

Music Box Oz

 I’ve posted a few times in the past about music box discs of songs from the original stage version of The Wizard of Oz. I first became aware of these several years ago, from David Maxine’s Hungry Tiger Talk blog. At this point, I’ve managed to come up with 8 of the 12 songs that I know to exist. There might easily be more!

These are all popular songs that either originated with the show, or were interpolated into various performances. Sadly, I don’t believe any of the L. Frank Baum / Paul Tietjens songs received this treatment. Still, it’s an enjoyable way to get a taste of the show! 

(If the video below doesn’t appear on your phone, check the web version of my blog).

 Disc music boxes are very specific, in terms of what discs will play on what box. So, some songs were only available for certain brands of music box, while others were in wider use. In this case I’m showing discs from three different brands and two different sizes of music box!

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