This is one of my favorite pieces of John R. Neill artwork in my collection. It's a lovely pastel portrait, and I don't know if it was ever published - there are no notes or indications on it. This shows yet another medium Neill worked in - aside from pen & ink, watercolor, ink wash, and graphite. Although it has no obvious Oz connection, I tend to think of it as a portrait of Ozma - it's reminiscent of his images of her in The Emerald City of Oz.
Apparently, Neill did not do any oil paintings - which seems a little odd. He did have a set of oils, which his granddaughter now owns, and he was commissioned by a fan to do a large Oz mural in oils for above a fireplace - but that is the only mention I've ever seen of any work of that sort. Oils aren't something you just dive into without some practice - so I wonder if there ever were any other paintings by him? Many of the major illustrators of his time did do large scale paintings - perhaps he just didn't like that method of working. Still, an oil painting by Neill is something I'd love to run across.
Very Pretty! How big is the drawing? Just curious...
I got my first Neill original in 1979 hen Mrs. Neill donated a piece to the Munchkin auction. It was enough to send a 16 year-old-boys heart a-pattering :)
This drawing is about 11.5" x 18" - which is nice as it makes for a rather large portrait. Neill's artwork has always been one of the things that drew me to the Oz books.
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