I've realized that when posting the various W. W. Denslow covers designed for Rand McNally, I've only been showing the cover itself. The decoration extended to the spine of the book as well, and often continued onto the back. In some cases it was a complete wrap-around design. On the right are some of the spines of titles I've shown. The decorations are eye-catching and colorful, which naturally was what the publisher wanted.

The rear covers often had a smaller emblem of some sort relating to the story, or possibly a small decoration which continued the cover theme. On the left is the rear cover of
The Fifth of November, featuring an executioner's mask and ax.
1 comment:
Those are lovely. When possible, it would be great if you could show the spines for the books you post. I enjoy the look of shelved books in my home and have sometimes bought books just based on an attractive spine so I'm enjoying seeing these very much. The "Devil's Dice" one in particular is gorgeous.
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