A number of Reilly & Britton books contain ads for the Oz series as well as other L. Frank Baum titles - usually at the back of the book. These ads can be fun to read, both for the information given, and the selling points that are called out.
These particular ads are from a couple different printings of Children's Stories That Never Grow Old. Who knew that the point of the Oz Toy Book was "to keep fingers busy and hearts happy"? I also like that the Twinkle Tales have been "adopted by many school boards for supplemental reading".
The oldest book I have in my collection (I don't collect first editions because I would prefer to leave them in the hands of actual collectors like you) is a Little Red Book from Reilly & Britton called "Rab and His Friends" illustrated by Neill. I believe the date is 1909 because there's an advertisement for "The Road to Oz" (and the other Oz books and "John Dough") in the back, claiming it's the only Baum book of 1909. It also has advertisements for the Twinkle Tales and the Christmas Stocking series. (It used to belong to my late grandfather, who got it from his late brother, and I found it on the ground outside before it could really get damaged. We were moving all of grandpa's stuff to the garage.)
It's great to find something like that within your own family. Collecting has a way of growing on you, so watch out - it could be catching.
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